08 January 2014

Hello, Blog. Did you miss me? Also, shall I introduce The Fearless Fifteeners? I shall!

Dear Blog,

How are you? Sorry I haven't been in touch. I've been… busy. I had my first big deadline on my debut novel, IVY'S TOWER, with my publisher! Exciting. No? 

Deadlines are not exciting? 

You're absolutely right. Which is why I haven't been blogging. While the revision of my novel has been incredibly exciting to moi, I realize it's a fairly boring topic for everyone else. So I have spared you the details. 

I must admit, I've been feeling terribly uninteresting of late. I haven't even managed to come up with anything tweet-worthy for quite a while. But it's 2014 now, which means the publication of my novel is NEXT YEAR! And there's a new website/blog to prove it: 

The Fearless Fifteeners have taken me in. (Seriously, they found me wandering aimlessly around the Internet and flagged me down.) I'm delighted to be a part of this group of young adult and middle grade authors debuting in 2015. We talk amongst ourselves about the process of writing and editing and publishing our books, but we also host a blog (way more interesting than this one). We've just started an interview series featuring 2014 debut YA authors, from over at One Four Kid Lit. Go check out the first interview with John Dixon, author of PHOENIX ISLAND (interviewed by Jen Brooks.)

Hopefully I will have much more interesting news to share in the weeks and months ahead. And I hope to get back to interviewing YA authors! 

Talk to you soon!

- Sharon